Diaper Drives & Fundraisers

Host a Diaper Drive

Babies & Beyond depends on donations of diapers to keep our Diaper Bank in Dane County stocked. Please help us by hosting a diaper drive at your office, school, or church!

Diaper Drive Ideas

There are a lot of creative ways to support Babies & Beyond by hosting a Diaper Drive:

  • Put a Pack ‘n Play in your church, daycare or workplace to collect diapers
  • “Stuff the office” of a boss-or co-worker with diapers
  • Trick-or-treat for diapers at your school or church
  • Have guests bring diapers to a baby shower or birthday party
  • Raise money to buy diapers with a bake sale, car wash or silent auction

Diaper Drive Materials

Our Diaper Bank Coordinator can assist your diaper drive with marketing, signage and flyers. Contact volunteer@babiesandbeyondwi.org for details.


#Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season when many focus on their end-of-year giving. When donations are made to Babies & Beyond through PayPal, they will add 1% to all donations.

Thanks for your consideration and generosity on #GivingTuesday

Facebook Fundraising

It’s easy to raise money for Babies & Beyond on your Facebook page, with just 5 easy steps! Many people ask for gifts for Babies & Beyond for their birthday, retirement, or other special occasion.

  1. Select “Fundraisers” in the left menu of your newsfeed.
  2. Choose the option “Raise Money for a Nonprofit Organization,” then click “Get Started.”
  3. Select Babies & Beyond of WI, Inc.
  4. Fill in the fundraiser details and choose your cover photo.
  5. Click “Create”!

Other Ideas

Other creative ideas to support Babies & Beyond beyond a diaper drive could include:

  • Host a coin drive at your school, church, or work.
  • Plan a Baby Shower at your school, church or work, and bring gifts to Babies & Beyond.
  • At your child’s birthday party, collect baby items for Babies & Beyond as gifts.
icon of a diaper for Diaper Bank