Dane County Diaper Bank

Madison Diaper Bank Services

sharing center icon of a house with a heart in it - BabiesAndBeyondWi.org - Baby Care Packages

Dane County Diaper Bank

Central to our operations at Babies and Beyond is our Dane County Diaper Bank, a critical component of our Sharing Center. This service is open to the public and specifically designed to assist anyone needing diapers.

We welcome families to visit our Sharing Center once per month, where they can receive a complimentary bundle of diapers, alleviating some of the financial pressures associated with purchasing these essential items. We encourage interested individuals to view the Sharing Center guidelines for more detailed information on how to get free diapers in Madison.

handshake icon for volunteer in grey BabiesAndBeyondWi.org - Baby Care Packages

Diaper Bank Partners

Understanding that not all families can reach us physically, we have partnered with community organizations to have case workers pick up and deliver supplies to those who need them. These collaborations enable us to expand our reach and ensure that free diapers are accessible to a broader segment of the Madison-area community.

By working with these partners, we strive to identify and assist families who might otherwise miss out on crucial support. Our goal is both to meet the immediate needs of these families and also to foster a sense of community and shared responsibility in caring for the youngest and most vulnerable.

Diaper Need in Wisconsin

The term “diaper need” refers to the serious problem of getting babies a sufficient supply of disposable diapers to remain clean, dry and healthy. Having a diaper bank in Dane county is invaluable to the community, especially considering the statistics:


For families to buy a one‑month supply of diapers for one baby

1 in 2

Families experience diaper need


Of young children in Wisconsin live in low‑income families

Impact of Diaper Need

icon of money for cost of diapers

Diapers cannot be bought with food stamps nor are they covered by WIC. There are 0 federal government programs that provide assistance for diapers, adding an even greater strain on low-income families.

heart with a plus to reflect caring for their health

Without adequate diapers, parents make do without or stretch their minimal supply by leaving babies in dirty diapers longer or reusing diapers. Longer times in dirty diapers can lead to severe diaper rash and other health problems for children.

backpack icon to represent children going to daycare

Babies without diapers often cannot be left with a childcare provider. Without childcare, parents are unable to go to work or school resulting in more parental stress and more tense, less nurturing home environments. Parents miss an average of four days of work a month due to diaper needs.

National Diaper Bank Network Member

The Babies & Beyond Diaper Bank in Dane County is the first member of the National Diaper Bank Network to serve this area since 2013. Our partnership with NDBN provides valuable assistance and makes us eligible for bulk orders and large diaper donations through Huggies’ Project Hug Campaign.

Members of the National Diaper Bank Network with their logo

Partner with Us

We seek sponsors who are committed to collaborative work and can help #EndDiaperNeed in our community

Why Sponsor?

  • Expand and strengthen our community outreach: Help us continue to ensure that diapers are available to all who seek our assistance. Our membership with the National Diaper Bank Network allows us to purchase diapers in bulk and stretch your dollars.
  • Help meet the basic needs of families: When basic needs are met, families can focus on more complex tasks of emotional, social or physical development. Being a sponsor help strengthen our community.

To apply to become a sponsor, email director@babiesandbeyondwi.org.

Support the Diaper Bank In Dane County

Host Diaper Drives

We depend on donations of diapers to keep our Diaper Bank in Dane County stocked.

Help us by hosting a diaper drive!


Our annual DiaperDash 5k Run/Walk raises awareness and funds for our Diaper Bank. We host it at the end of September to help kick off “Diaper Need Awareness Week.”